Полное описание
Broken X Disk Manager is a Shareware disk catalog for managing and archiving disks of any kind (CDs, DVDs, floppies, Zip disks, USB sticks, network shares, …) under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista, incl. x64 Editions. It's fully Unicode capable.
The Demo version can disk catalog only 10 disks per database, but otherwise it's fully functional. There's no time limit. It can open databases of any size, you may use it as a free database viewer.
The content of cataloged disks is saved to compact database files, which can also be stored on network shares. The program uses its own optimized database engine. No other programs or software modules are required.
You can search through read disks, even if they aren't in a drive. If you found a wanted file, you can open it directly in the program, if the appropriate disks is inserted. Otherwise, the program will ask for the disk.
To get a better overview over your disk catalog, you can sort the disks into folders and you can assign user-defined categories to items.
To search for files, the program offers search options like date, size etc. And you can restrict the search to specific categories. Of course, the search function does support wildcards as well.
Broken X Disk Manager can automatically generate a description for some file types. For instance for MP3, WMA and OGG files. The artist and title names of Audio CDs can be queried over the Internet from the freedb CD database, or be read from the CD Text information of the CD. The program can catalog the Audio CDs stored in cdplayer.ini without inserting the discs.
The program can load cover images for DVDs and Audio CDs from the Amazon Web Services, either automatically oder manually.
The capability to create file descripions is extensible by Plugins. Broken X Disk Manager can also create thumbnails for image files and store them in the database. For sound, music and video files, the program can create and store audio previews, so you can listen to a file without the need to insert the containing disk.
Beside the description, you can also set so-called "Extra Information" for each and every item in your disk catalog. These Extra Information include data like Author, Source, Location, Title or Comment. You can even define up to 32 own Extra Information types to manage your files the way you want it. You can of course search in the Extra Information, too.
Broken X Disk Manager supports 7-ZIP, ACE, ARJ, CAB, JAR, RAR, TAR and ZIP archives, it can read the packed directory structure and search in it, too. Archive files can be viewed like folders.
You can create user-definable listings of items in the database which can you then print or export to XML, text and CSV files. This applies as well to search results.
You can protect folders with a password to keep the data in your disk catalog confidential, either with or without encryption of item names.
Networking: if the database file is shared on a server, multiple users can work with the database. Broken X Disk Manager takes care of accesses to avoid conflicts due to concurrent edits. For this, the database file is locked if one user modifies the file, and unlocked again when s/he saves the modified file. Other users can then not modify the database before they reloaded (updated) the disk catalog.
Broken X Disk Manager can import Advanced Disk Catalog databases.
Many further useful features; it's more advanced than an advanced disk catalog. The download is worthwhile. Start your disk catalog now!