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TreeSize Professional [MULTILANG+RUS]Русский и украинский перевод: Kopejkin Год выпуска: 2018
Официальный сайт: TreeSize
Разрядность: 64bit/32bit
Язык интерфейса: Мультиязычный (русский присутствует)
Таблэтка: присутствует
Системные требования:
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista
Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2003 - 2012 (32 and 64 Bit)
Windows XP - НЕ ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕТСЯ Описание:
TreeSize Professional - мощное и гибкое средство визуального отображения и сканирования содержимого жестких дисков для всех версий Windows. Одной из самых привлекательных особенностей программы является удобное управление и эффективная очистка дискового пространства. Графическое представление содержимого дисков обеспечивает быстрый анализ используемого пространства. Кроме обычного отображения дерева каталогов, TreeSize Professional предоставляет данные о папках и размере выделенного пространства, владельцах и правах доступа, дате последнего доступа, NTFS-сжатии и много другой полезной информации о папках и файлах. Встроенный универсальный поиск поможет быстро найти самые старые, наибольшие, временные или повторяющиеся файлы на дисках. Найденное можно перемещать, удалять или экспортировать в ZIP-архив. Полученные результаты сканирования, поиска или диаграммы можно экспортировать для последующего анализа или сравнения в различные форматы: XML, XLS, TXT, CSV и др.-
Efficient Disk Space Management from all perspectives
See the size of all folders including their subfolders and break it down to the file level.
Visualize disk usage in the pie or bar chart.
Tree maps visualize hierarchies and sizes of subfolders in the selected directory.
Detailed view with single files and additional information (e.g. date of last access).
Statistics about file types and file owners for every branch.
Filter the file system tree on the left by a certain user or file type.
See a list of the 100 largest files.
Distribution of occupied disk space by file age.
Scan FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers.
Disk Space Management on smartphones and mobile devices. Versatile File Search
Integrated file search.
Fully customizable file search.
Archive, copy, or move the results of the TreeSize File Search, for instance lar, old, or temporary files or files of a certain type.
Search multiple drives, whole servers and even your entire network neighborhood.
Search results can be exported, moved, deleted or passed to any executable file or script.
TreeSize offers a powerful duplicate file search, optionally with MD5 or SHA256 checksums. TreeSize also enables you to easily deduplicate files using hardlinks. Exporting and Reporting
TreeSize enables you to export scan results (showing the directory structure) to many different formats such as Excel, XML, HTML, text/CSV file, clipboard, or email.
Export a list of all files in the scanned folder and its subfolders, for example for use in a database. Track Growth
Save the data to an XML file and load it again later.
See which folders have grown: Compare a saved XML file to a current version of the file system branch, TreeSize Professional displays the difference between the two scans.
Take snapshots of the current state of disk space usage and compare them with snapshots Windows takes automatically. Customized Analyses & Views
Configure displayed columns for the details view, Excel export, text file and printed reports.
Include and exclude certain files or folders in your scans. Scheduled Scans
Command line options allow automatic and scheduled scans of your hard disk (e.g. overnight) and generating reports.
Comfortable interface simplifies creation and editing of scheduled scans and exports as Windows tasks. High Performance thanks to Multithreading
Browse the results during scanning.
Scan and view several folders at the same time.
Automatic adjustment of the number of threads that are used for a scan. Full NTFS Support
Unicode file and folder names are supported.
File based NTFS compression.
Hardlinks and Alternate Data Streams (ADS).
File paths longer than 255 characters will be found and processed correctly.
Analyse NTFS permissions. Perfect Integration with the Windows Explorer
Explorer context menu supported inside the TreeSize window.
TreeSize Professional can be started from within the Windows Explorer.
Drag and Drop is enabled.
On a Windows Core Server TreeSize can serve as a graphical user interface. Full Network Support
TreeSize Professional offers full support for network drives and scans UNC paths like Servershare.
Что нового:
Changes in V7.0.1 (18 Jun 2018)
- When executing the portable version, which can be created on a USB stick using the Professional Edition, a dialog prompted for an installation key on other machines. This dialog no longer appears.
- A problem was resolved that could lead to a freeze of a scan via SSH.
- The scan of a SharePoint server that was not running on a standard port (80 or 443) was significantly slower than with V6.3.
- Exporting a SSH or S3 scan to an XML-file now works without errors.
- A problem was resolved that could occur when reading a config file which was created by a very old version of TreeSize, and lead to a freeze of the application or an error when starting TreeSize.
- When scanning a DFS tree TreeSize did not follow some symbolic links that it used to follow in V6.3. This behavior has been corrected. The general behavior whether or not symbolic links will be followed, can be controlled in the “Options” at „Scan > General“.
- After updating from an older version a pie chart may have been exported along with the export of a text file. This issue has been resolved.
- File Search: When sorting by the column “Allocated” an error message will no longer occur.
- A few minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.
Changes in v7.0 (01 Jun 2018) Main module:
- It is now possible to scan your Amazon S3 Storage using TreeSize.
- It is now possible to scan Linux/Unix-servers via SSH-protocol using TreeSize.
- It is now possible to add single file types or users as columns to the “Details” view using their context menu. That way they can be easily monitored across the entire folder hierarchy and can also be included in the reports.
- Intervals of the Age of Files statistics can now be added as columns to the “Details” view using their context menu.
- The number of files in the Top 100 list can now be configured in the Options dialog. Additionally you can choose here whether they will be chosen based on their plain file size or the space they actually occupy on the disk.
- A new checkbox on the ribbon bar “View” allows to hide empty folders. This is particularly useful if there a lot of such folders because a filter has been applied.
- Beneath the user and the file extension statistics we show a treemap chart now, because it is able to transport more information on the same area as the old bar chart.
- We added two additional formats for displaying usernames: Full Name, and Username (Full Name)
- A new tooltip option allows you to peek into a folder without actually expanding the folder in the directory tree.
- TreeSize may now optionally show a message in the Windows system tray, once a longer running scan or file search is finished.
- The treemap chart has been extended with many new display options:
- Single files can be displayed now.
- Besides the file types now the file type groups like „Office files“ or “Video files” can be optionally shown as intermediate level. If shown, they will be colored by type, not by their level like the folders.
- The free space can optionally be shown as separate tile.
- Optionally the labels can be hidden so that no space needs to be reserved for them.
- At „Options > Scan > Filter“ you can now choose entire file type groups like „Office files“ or „Video files“ as filter, just like this is now possible in the Custom Search (see below).
- When scheduling a scan you may now choose a monthly interval. (Professional edition only)
- The user interface is no longer blocked when loading or comparing with a formerly saved XML file.
- The column width of PDF exports can now be configured in the Options dialog.
- The feature “Hide folders smaller than…” can now be configured using KB, GB and Bytes besides MB.
- Numerous minor improvements and fixes have been included.
File Search:
- Like in the main module Amazon S3 Storages and Linux/Unix-Server via SSH can now be used as search target.
- In the Custom Search you can now use the existing file type groups like “Video files” as search criteria. These groups can also be edited now in the Options dialog of the TreeSize File Search.
- All columns the Windows Explorer supports can now be displayed and exported, among them the width and height of pictures, the number of pages of MS Word documents, or keywords of JPG and Office files.
- Multiple custom searches can now be defined and used concurrently.
- The minimal and maximal directory depth can now be used as search criteria in the custom search.
- The predefined searches like “Biggest Files” now have their own ribbon bar, in which the configuration for this search is done now.
- It is now more comfortable to choose date values in the Custom Search.
- The feature “Checkmark if…” now offers more possibilities and regular expressions.
- The TreeSize File Search now supports PDF export too.
- The number of errors (like “Access denied”), which occurred during the search, is now displayed in the status bar. Clicking it brings up a dialog with further details.
- Duplicate Search: The duplicates can be exported optionally with groups now. Such a text file can now be properly imported to the duplicate search.
- Duplicate Search: In the dropdown menu of the button “Check all but newest” we now offer more functions to modify the check-state of the results. Here, an option can be activated that ensures that at least one duplicate remains after deleting duplicates.
- The export of the Duplicate Search has been accelerated by factor 10.
- A new option for scheduled searches will send an email only if results have actually been found for this search. (Professional edition only)
- The command line option /SORTBY has been introduced, which is now also supported in the TreeSize File Search. (Professional edition only).
- The new command line option /COPYTO has been added, it works like the existing /MOVETO function but copies the search results. (Professional edition only)
Compatibility changes:
- Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported.
- On Windows Core Server only the command line interface is supported, a user interface is no longer available. In case this is still needed, V6.3.7 can be used. V7.0 prints the results as text on the console for a given path. This also applies to the File Search, which can be started using the /SEARCH parameter, additionally a search pattern can be supplied using /FILTER, or previously saved search options can be supplied as XML file. (Professional edition only)
Установка и лечение:
- "Регистрация" программы TreeSize происходит во время установки.
Ничего дополнительно вводить и менять не требуется.
- Выберите папку программы, которая соответствует разрядности вашей системы.
32-разрядную версию программы можно установить в 64-разрядной системе.
Делать этого не стоит хотя бы потому, что производительность 64-разрядной
версии программы в 64-разрядной системе будет выше.
- Запустите файл install TreeSize.bat. Не следует запускать этот файл от имени администратора!
- Когда появится окно установщика программы, последовательно выполните все предлагаемые этапы установки.
- После установки программы, перейдите в окно, которое ранее открылось при запуске файла install TreeSize.bat, и нажмите любую клавишу на клавиатуре, если такое предложение появилось.
Если программа просит активации, удалите ее с помощью собственной программы удаления (Программы и компоненты, Установка/Удаление программ).
Удалите папку лицензий (C://ProgramData/Licenses) вместе с файлом 0D06C7F10F94E823B.Lic. Если в ней есть другие файлы лицензий, сохраните их в другом месте.
Никаких чисток реестра и отключения от интернета не требуется.
- Для русификации или украинизации программы необходимо запустить файл TreeSize localization by Kopejkin.exe.
- Устанавливаемый язык программы TreeSize будет соответствовать выбранному языку установщика.
- Установщик может локализовать как 32-разрядную та и 64-разрядную версию программы.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Установщик настроен на локализацию программы, соответствующей разрядности системы.