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Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA 12 Ultimate
Год/Дата Выпуска: 2012
Версия: 12 Build 123.72
Разработчик: JetBRAINS
Сайт разработчика: Совместимость с Vista: полная
Совместимость с Windows 7: полная
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования:
Microsoft Windows 7 (incl.64-bit)/Vista/2003/XP
1 GB RAM minimum, 2 GB RAM recommended
300 MB hard disk space + at least 1 G for caches
1024x768 minimum screen resolution
JDK 1.6 or higher Описание: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA – это ведущая среда быстрой разработки на языке Java. IntelliJ IDEA представляет собой высокотехнологичный комплекс тесно интегрированных инструментов программирования, включающий интеллектуальный редактор исходных текстов с развитыми средствами автоматизации, мощные инструменты рефакторинга кода, встроенную поддержку технологий J2EE, механизмы интеграции со средой тестирования Ant/JUnit и системами управления версиями, уникальный инструмент оптимизации и проверки кода Code Inspection, а также инновационный визуальный конструктор графических интерфейсов.
Уникальные возможности JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA избавляют программиста от груза рутинной работы, помогают своевременно устранить ошибки и повысить качество кода, поднимая продуктивность разработчика на новую высоту.
What's new
Brand New Compiler
Completely revised approach to project compilation brings enhanced performance and better user experience through much faster incremental builds and lower memory requirements for the IDE. Fresh Look and Feel
IntelliJ IDEA 12 comes with a fresh look and feel and Darcula, a new native dark UI theme for IDE and the editor. Java 8
Full IDE support added for the next generation of the Java platform, with code assistance for the new syntax, such as lambda expressions, method references and default methods. Spring
A big update of Spring Development Tools, with performance enhancements and code assistance for more Spring frameworks such as Web Flow, Integration, MVC, Security, Batch. Play 2.0
Support for the latest Play 2.0 is added, with advanced code assistance, templates support, formatter, refactorings and many other features. Better Performance
Much faster project indexing and better responsiveness of the IDE as a whole. Android UI Designer
Full-featured UI Designer, one of the most requested features, is available now for building advanced layouts for Android mobile devices. EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS & LANGUAGES SUPPORT
Smarter Code Completion
Now completion works even if you type an identifier from the middle part.
Class name completion is available now as part of basic completion, so you don't need a separate shortcut.
Other improvements that make completion even smarter. Scala
- Dynamic support
- Implicit classes support
- Enhanced debugger
- ScalaTest 2.0 support
- Improved refactorings
- New intention actions JavaDocs
Many formatting enhancements. New action for resolving JavaDocs issues added. Groovy
- Static type-checking support
- Convert to Java refactoring
- New inspections Dart
- Code assistance with the latest syntax support, completion, navigation and refactorings.
- Code analysis and quick-fixes with Dart Analyzer support.
- Integrated debugger and tools for unit testing. Intelligent Formatting
Native support for smart code arrangement is now available for Java and other languages. TypeScript
Code assistance and initial support for debugger via Source Maps. JavaScript
Support for JsTestDriver has been improved, bringing better performance and debugger for unit tests.
JavaScript libraries may now be configured at project level.
Full support for Google Closure compiler JSDoc annotations (aka typed JavaScript).